Danish Crown's highest authority

One man – one vote, that is one of the fundamental principles of the cooperative movement. Danish Crown’s members elect the Board of Representatives, which is Danish Crown’s highest authority. Among other duties, the Board of Representatives appoints the popularly elected members of the Board of Directors and the producer committees.

In 2010, Danish Crown was transformed into an A/S, however Danish Crown is owned by the cooperative Leverandørselskabet Danish Crown Amba with a co-opted management.

This means that it is the approx. 6,400 Danish farmers who supply pigs and cattle to us, who also own the company.

Danish Crown's co-opted system consists of 3 layers:

  • Members
  • Board of Representatives
  • Board of directors

The organization is based on the cooperative principles, where one man - one vote is one of the basic principles.

Board of Representatives

The Board of Representatives consists of up to 60 representatives elected by the pork districts, the cattle forum and minority groups.

The pork districts elect 50 representatives. The cattle forum elects 8 representatives. Up to 2 representatives are elected upon approval by the Board of Directors of minority groups within the company's pig farmers.

In addition to the 60 member-elected members, there are employees with observer status in the Supervisory Board.

Pork districts - DK only

Cattle districts - DK only

Kreds 1

Hjørring, Brønderslev, Frederikshavn, Læsø, Jammerbugt, Rebild, Aalborg, Vest-himmerland, Mariagerfjord, Thisted, Morsø, Skive, Lemvig, Struer, Holstebro, Viborg, Randers, Norddjurs and Syddjurs municipalities.

Hjørring, Brønderslev, Frederikshavn, Jammerbugt, Thisted, Vesthimmerland, Rebild,  Aalborg, Læsø, Morsø, Skive, Viborg, Mariagerfjord and Randers municipalities.

Kreds 2

Herning, Ringkøbing-Skjern, Ikast-Brande, Favrskov, Silkeborg, Skanderborg, Århus, Horsens,   Odder, Samsø, Billund, Varde, Vejle, Hedensted, Fredericia, Fanø, Esbjerg, Vejen, Kolding,  Haderslev, Tønder, Aabenraa and Sønderborg municipalities.

Lemvig, Struer, Holstebro, Herning, Ringkøbing-Skjern, Ikast-Brande, Silkeborg, Favrskov, Norddjurs, Syddjurs, Århus, Skanderborg, Varde, Billund, Vejle, Horsens, Hedensted, Odder and Samsø municipalities. 

Kreds 3

Middelfart, Nordfyns, Kerteminde, Odense, Nyborg, Assens,  Faaborg-Midtfyn, Svendborg, Ærø, Langeland,  Gribskov, Halsnæs, Hillerød, Fredensborg,  Allerød, Odsherred, Frederikssund,   Kalundborg, Holbæk, Lejre, Roskilde, Greve, Solrød, Køge, Stevns, Faxe, Næstved, Slagelse, Sorø, Ringsted, Vordingborg, Guldborgsund, Lolland and Bornholms municipalities.

Esbjerg, Vejen, Kolding, Fredericia, Haderselv, Tønder, Aabenraa, Fanø and Sønderborg municipalities.

Kreds 4


Middelfart, Nord-fyns, Kerteminde, Nyborg, Svendborg, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Assens, Ærø, Odense, Langeland, Lolland, Guldborg-  sund, Vordingborg, Næstved, Faxe, Stevns, Slagelse, Sorø, Kalundborg, Holbæk, Lejre, Ringsted, Køge, Roskilde, Odsherred, Hillerød, Gribskov and Bornholms municipalities.