International Food Industry Profile is New External Board Member at Danish Crown

International Food Industry Profile is New External Board Member at Danish Crown

Susanne Arfelt Rajamand, Group CEO of Royal Greenland, has been appointed as the new external member of the board of Danish Crown A/S. She takes the vacant board seat after Camilla Harder Hartvig, EVP of Ascendis Pharma, stepped down earlier this summer fol-lowing three years of service to focus on her other roles and board positions.

September 24, 2024

The board of Danish Crown A/S looks to add another strong leadership profile with international experience in the form of Royal Greenland's top executive, Susanne Arfelt Rajamand. She brings with her over 20 years of international leadership experience from the food and foodservice industries. She will join in connection with the Danish Crown board's financial meeting in November 2024.

"I am truly pleased to welcome Susanne Arfelt Rajamand as an external member of Danish Crown's board. It is extremely important for us to ensure that we continuously have the necessary competencies in the boardroom, and with Susanne we gain an experienced leader with deep expertise and know-how in food production and operations at an international level. I am confident she will contribute significantly to the continued development of Danish Crown," says Chairman Asger Krogsgaard.

Susanne Arfelt Rajamand is looking forward to becoming part of Danish Crown's board:

"I look forward to contributing to the exciting transformation journey that Danish Crown is on, and I hope that with my knowledge of the food industry and international experience, I can help future-proof one of Denmark’s most important and traditional companies," she says.

Susanne Arfelt Rajamand holds a Master of Science (Cand.Merc.) in Strategy, Organization, and Management from Copenhagen Business School, completed in 2003. She also holds an Executive MBA with distinction from the Tsinghua-INSEAD Executive MBA program in France, China, and Singapore, completed in 2011. She built her leadership career at Unilever in Singapore, followed by senior roles at the food companies McCormick and Fonterra in Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia, before becoming Group CEO at Royal Greenland in 2023.

The current board of Danish Crown A/S consists of six democratically elected cooperative owners, three employee representatives, and four external board members from relevant leadership positions in Danish business.

By the end of the year, Danish Crown will transition to having a single board structure, which will consist of five individuals elected from among the members of Danish Crown's board of representatives, up to five external board members appointed by a nominations committee, and the elected employee representatives. The process of finding the fifth external board member, who is expected to have the qualifications to assume the chairman's role, is currently underway.