A buffet of opportunities for technical profiles
At Danish Crown, there are many different job opportunities if you have a technical background - this is both if you are a student, newly graduated or are a more experienced technical profile.
We have project manager positions, where you typically work at a head office, and where you are involved in overseeing and designing facilities. Other options can include as a technician, automation technician, marine engineering or manager in our technical departments at our factories. There are many possibilities - both for hourly paid employees and salaried employees.
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Focus on automation
Automation is a major focus area for us, and it is an exciting area in continuous development. If you work within this field at Danish Crown, you will be able to continuously development your knowledge about the necessary new technologies. This is for example done through participation in courses, so that we at all times are able to ensure the daily operation at our factories and at the same time can provide qualitative input in the field in connection with new projects.
We are continuously increasing the degree of automation in our factories so that we can produce smarter, cheaper and faster. It's an exciting journey and we hope you would like to join us.

Say hello to Anders and join him in the engine room
Read more about Anders' job and opportunities as a technical profile in Danish Crown below.
What kind of tasks can you work with as a technical profile?
- Either you can choose a project manager approach like me. It is, in principle, an engineering position where I project and design facilities. You can also have a different approach to it, e.g. as a team manager for our technical departments at our sites, where we typically see a technical profile, Anders says.
- One of the things I try to emphasize when I go out and talk to students is that in my daily life I work with a "full syllabus". You can work with almost everything, (even the things that you never thought you would need again). It's a really wide range. There are both opportunities to create a career in management, if you want, or if you're passionate about technology, you can go in that direction.
What do you use from your education at Danish Crown?
- Much of what you learn about the technology, I very much see unfolded in my daily work life. I usually say that during the education as a marine engineer you get a lot of tools thrown in your toolbox and learn a lot of theory, but it is not until you finish the education that you learn to use the tools and put all these theories into practice, Anders says.
Which technologies are the most exciting to work with?
- Everything about renewable energy. Everything about the green transition and how we can make things even smarter and easier than it is today. We prefer not to invest in anything, unless it is advantageous for us and it provides increased value for Danish Crown. I.e. what is a good idea to do in relation to renewable energy? The entire analysis that underlies our investments, I think that is really interesting.
- Right now we as a company have an increased focus on automation. We need to have an increased the degree of automation in our factories so that we can produce smarter, cheaper and faster. But I also think that the whole transformation of our energy supply is interesting. We need to a greater extent to electrify our energy supply so that we can get rid of fossil fuels, Anders says.